BlogWell LA 2012

I attended my first BlogWell event today, held at USC in Los Angeles! AND… It. Was. Awesome! Amazing networking. Key Takeaways. Lots of “Ahhhh” moments. And More! Shown in the photo above: Fellow Social Media Club LA Board Members live blogging and live tweeting #BlogWell: Garick Chan, Me, Lauren Buchman, AJ Bellarosa, Chris Lam!

What is BlogWell?

  • BlogWell is a series of events across the nation hosted by This was their first visit to LA!
  • Topics at each event are shown in a series of panels, showcasing how big brands use social media.

Today we had a chance to hear eight case studies covering key findings in the top social media programs at these large corporations: McDonald’s, Mattel, Kaiser Permanente, Raytheon, Microsoft, General Mills, Life Technologies and MGM Resorts.

And I have to say, it was pretty amazing to be in the same room as some of the big guys at big brands like Toyota, TOMS, Yahoo and more! Totally motivational, inspirational, sensational…. I’m still feeling the creative juices flowing through my veins!

Key takeaways via tweets during the event:


SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTING & MANAGEMENT: I’m available for one on one social media consulting, as well as ongoing daily social media management. Whether you want someone to get you started in the digital space, or you just need a some help along the way, I’d love to work with you. Please take a look at my Social Media Consulting & Management packages.

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